
"At this stage of development, your child may make
choices that differ from what you have envisioned."..."Through your conversations with your child, the door is open to talk these things over and offer suggestions.
Some discouragement of activities you dislike is okay, because as the
parent, you want to let your child know you. At the same time,
you remember your child is an individual, with his or her own
life, not an extension of you."
From Chapter 4... of Justine`s Book: Conversations With Your Child

“My child is too smart to make a mistake or bad
This stance can keep parents in the dark about a host
of problems, from bullying to truancy, substance abuse to
sexual activity. (From Chapter 3 of Justine`s Book: Conversations With Your Child)

..."Ways to get the conversation started are to play
charades, Pictionary, or another interactive game, invite
another family over for dinner, or put forth the challenge to
come up with a family’s own brand of communication."
From Chapter 3... of Justine`s Book: Conversations With Your Child

Waiting is Pain
Waiting is Discipline
Allowing is Serenity
Believing is Faith

~Justine Lambroschino

Children are different than adults. It may seem evident but as #parents we need to remember they are still developing. ...

#parenting #developement ##pitfalls
A parenting book for situations

Natures beauty calms fears. ...

Nice trip by the Delaware River. ...

Yes, #parents, we need to talk and learn about #emotions. ...

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